The brilliant sun is piercing your eyes as you wake.  You squint and attempt to make out your surroundings.  You have no idea where you are or how you got here.  As you roll over to prop yourself up you realize you are on the ground, in the woods.

You have all your riding gear on and your bike is parked next to you with your helmet resting on the bars. 

It seems every bone and muscle aches as you stumble to your feet.  You touch your hand to your head and feel a sharp pain.  As you pull your hand back, you notice blood on your fingers.  Looking around, it becomes apparent you are deep in the woods.

"I couldn't have fallen," you mumble to yourself, "because my bike is on the kickstand."  Your last vivid memory was Memorial weekend, barbecuing with your family.  You are not sure how much memory you lost, but what you are sure of is that you want to get out of the woods and go home!

You inspect the bike, everything seems fine and you have about 3/4 of a tank of fuel.  You have a pack with very little water, no food and a Motion Pro tool pack with no tools.

You mount your bike, fire it up and begin making your way into the deep woods.  At first, the brush is thick and the sticks and branches whip you as you make your way by.  Before too long, you catch a tail of a single track trail.  The trail stays narrow and the branches begin to let up, and you actually begin to have a little fun.  Single track riding has always been your greatest joy and even though you can't remember much about your current situation, you at least remember that.

The trail dances through the trees changing elevation and climbing over rocks and roots.  You begin to forget you are lost in the woods and you find your rhythm.

After about 20 minutes of single track, you suddenly come to a dirt road.  You skid your rear tire to a halt as you look up and down the dirt road.

The single track continues on the other side of the fire road.  "If I go up the fire road, I may find help or a way home," you say to yourself, "but if I continue on the single track, I can at least make the best of the situation and it's bound to pop out somewhere."